Becki Owens x Surya Lila Denim Medallion Area Rug

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Brought to you by Becki Owens x Surya, the Lila Denim medallion area rug combines rich, detailed design with warm soft neutrals and tones to create an inviting space that will always feel familiar. Antique elements with vintage inspiration, bring an old world feel to any type of space. The many beautiful details and feminine touches in this rug make a statement that will tie together any space and add a layer of character, warmth and uniqueness into any area.

Machine Woven

Care Instructions

easy to vacuum / soap & water


no shedding

About This Rug

Rug Experts

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Caliber Homes / Joelle Elaine Design / Brooke Pavel photograph

since 2017

rugs you can trust

We are picky about the rugs we recommend -- all Amethyst rugs have been vetted for color consistency, quality, and most importantly...livability!